How To Keep Succulents Small

How To Keep Succulents Small

Here are some tips on how to keep succulents small: Choose the right type of succulent. Some succulents are naturally smaller than others. For example, Haworthia attenuata and Graptopetalum paraguayense are both relatively small succulents that can be kept in small pots. Plant your succulents in small pots. The size of the pot will limit the amount…

Gardening Tips for September 2024 In Arizona

Gardening Tips for August In Arizona

Here are some gardening tips for August in Arizona: Water deeply and less often. The heat of August can cause plants to dry out quickly, so it is important to water deeply and less often. This will help to prevent the roots from rotting. Mulch around your plants. Mulch helps to keep the soil cool and moist,…